Monday, June 12, 2017

Ping Pong, Tennis, or Shot Put. I Can't Figure It Out, but It's Work

I am feeling semi-accomplished after this weekend because I prepared for two more days of work in Columbus schools, arranged travel for CWP's Syracuse interns who will work with Young Adult Literacy Labs and Ubuntu Academy, chiseled away at the dossier files, and completed a draft of a chapter that I sent off to an editor.

I'm in ram-mode still and I'm charging forth.

It's funny with writing, though, because I've learned with some pieces it is a fierce game of tennis where I hit it to editors, they hit it right back, I return it with force, and they come right back at me. Then there has been quick ping pong matches that gets the writing through. Sometimes, it's simply a shot put and I hit the mark on the first throw or somehow the throw doesn't go anywhere near the field and I'm totally excluded. This is writing - but there's a point when one must say, "I'm done. Let them criticize what I have and let me know if they are looking or wanting something else.

And just like that it is Monday morning again. Friday nights blur into Saturdays and Sundays delivering me to Mondays where I realize I accomplished work goals, but barely touched on anything at home. I did manage to mow the lawn, but that was out of guilt that I have sat on the Crandall chair all weekend without much interaction with the real world.

In one week, the house begins to fill and this week, teachers are oriented. I am hiring 20 educators this summer, working with another 25 in institutes, and hosting almost 200 kids on campus. Although I'm an academic by title, I'm a businessman throughout the year, too, as well as an administrator. Sometimes I wonder what the finances would be if I was self-employed doing this work, and not tied to the institutional barriers and responsibilities. At the same time, I realize that the networking I get for being an academic is what makes all of this possible.

Enjoy the heat!

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