Thursday, June 15, 2017

Orienting Literacy Lab Brilliant Educators For Summer Work, 2017

William King, Bassick High School, & Matt Tullis, Fairfield University
They arrived from Fairfield University and several school districts from Connecticut. They came with a passion for literacy and a drive to work with youth. They know they have a week - sometimes two - to reach a written outcome for the Connecticut Writing Project at Fairfield. They were fed sandwiches, given an overview, and had time to plan and dream.

This summer, 14 stellar educators will work with 100s of kids towards a publication in POW: Power of Words, the Anthology of Teachers and Students.

There's too much excitement to put into one post (that's what July is for), but I'm exciting about it all, especially Sports Writing with a writer and a sports enthusiast who have a vision for a special podcast and tying athletics with words. This summer, we're hoping to enhance Ubuntu Academy by having more opportunities for relocated refugee youth join the other programs we offer (and Mr. King is king of the coordination).

As individuals went around the room, I realized how tight the CWP-Fairfield family has become, especially with graduate students, now teachers, grabbing the helm of their labs. Also, we have two teachers this year, Emily Sawyer and Kira Littlejohn, who participated in our camps as middle and high school students - they are now literacy leaders for the state.

Ubuntu. Ubuntu. Ubuntu. I am, because we are.

One more week before it all begins! I can't wait to see what these brilliant individuals are able to accomplish with the young people who join our vision. In the meantime, I have a lot of office work to do!

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