Wednesday, July 5, 2017

And Thus Ends the Long Holiday Weekend. I'm Sure Fireworks Will Continue Though

Yesterday, I got up at six and, coffee injected, I finally made it out back to finish painting the porch. Actually, when Ali and Kanye woke up we finished the porch together. It felt good to get so much done (extra hands make lighter work).

Ali mowed the lawn, too, before we headed to Kohl's to get swim trunks and stopped by Big Y for chicken. Bev and Leo had us over for a pool day, which for Leo and me means volleyball tournaments. For Ali and Kanye, however, it turned into model sessions as Ali's IPhone 7Plus has a portrait lens which takes phenomenal shots.

In the first volleyball game, though, Ali whacked my head and I have an abrasion on my brow and swelling. It could have been worse, but it knocked me out for a while...ball and fist to glasses and forehead. Ouch.

Today, we're doing the first of two presentation for the National Endowment for the Humanities Hip Hop Institute. We get to celebrate and showcase our 2016 teacher institute in collaboration with Ubuntu Academy. I'm looking forward to seeing how the presentation comes together, especially as we will do it again in St. Louis next November.

You know it is summer when all I want to do is call in sick and head to the beach for games. I am, though, excited to the work of today.

Bring it on.

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