Friday, December 8, 2017

In Celebration of Tony Costa...47 Years of Service to the University and Local Schools

I had the honor and pleasure of attending a celebration of Mr. Tony Costa, our Director of Teacher Internships, and an individual who has worked for Fairfield University two years longer than I've been alive. His roles ebbed and flowed throughout the years, including teaching classes, creating relationships with local school administrators, and even coaching golf! He has always been kind, generous, supportive, and witty with me, but this year, 2018, he is stepping down to finally put his feet up (although his wife doubts he'll be able to do that).

When I was hired in Louisville at the Brown School, I was new blood in a school that was accustomed to its traditions, history, patterns, and memories. For years, those individuals delivered what they knew to my ears and I loved hearing the stories of how it used to be and what it was always meant to be. Long after we labor, sweat, stress, worry, and do, the institutions we work for carry on.

The GSEAP office did a remarkable job locating individuals who worked with Tony through the years and found news articles written about him along the ways. It was a pleasure to see all of these and to meet his daughter and granddaughter who drove to Fairfield University to attend the occasion.

I had flashbacks to my own father's retirement party at the Clam Bar in North Syracuse, New York - one for Pete Caroli, too (and I remember my mom drinking White Russians on top of cough medicine and being absolutely hysterical---and even out of control). Tony's gathering yesterday reminded me of all the support beyond one's work that also exists, especially at a time when one is finally saying goodbye to the location that paid them, but also drove them absolutely bonkers. Actually, Tony said, "Work was never an issue, because each and every day I absolutely loved doing everything I was blessed to do."

If only all of us can be this fortunate in our careers! Congratulations, Tony. Your history with Fairfield University is absolutely admirable. I'm beyond impressed.

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