Saturday, December 2, 2017

I Look Like an Ewok, But I Did Another November Without a Shave.

Growing up, I always remember November as a month where my father took time off for work and where he grew out his beard while sitting out in the woods of Sherburne and other regions waiting for deer to cross his path so we could have venison for the winter months.

I still can't grow a full beard, although every November I try. So, for the last month (when I remembered) I snapped a selfie to capture the historic growth of whiteness, which is my beard. My goatee still comes in with brown hair, but everything else is totally white.

I am welcoming December in with my semi-Santa beard and now I need to decide if I nurture it through the winter or if I give up and say, "Um, Crandall, it just doesn't work for you."

I try to be Dumbledore or Gandalf, really I do. Instead, I'm crazy Crandall with straggly, scrappy Shaggy hair.


Bring on the holidays!

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