Friday, September 8, 2017

Okay, I See The Resemblance, Especially During this Dossier Season

I have a vague memory of a musical where all the office workers were typing in synchronicity creating a rhythm in the office. This prompted me to look for it, but I failed to find it. I found Leroy Anderson's composition, but not the exact scene I was looking for. Rather, I found good ol' Jerry (who I have been compared to for years - I got that from my Uncle Dick; although we're not related by blood, we are kindred spirits in personality).

My dreams the last few weeks have been crazy, only because I'm editing, filing, organizing labeling, tabling, charting, counting, and color coding in them. They haven't been this vivid since my doctoral days and I know I owe it all to the fact that from sunrise to sunset I've been doing all the above. It's just, in the dreams, the work seems even more exhausting than it is in reality. I toss and turn trying to be sure that I'm hitting all the details in all the right places.

I am, however, feeling better about the authentic production, as I have a bow in mind, but am not ready to tie it just yet; instead, I'm in final touches and caressing stages which makes me feel a little better, even if my stomach has an acidic mind of its own (I am eating Smoothies so not to trigger more flares).

Ah, but I'm thankful for a sense of humor, especially when, yesterday, I took a break to wander the halls of Donnarumma (Ding Dong) where I ran into Carol Ann Davis who is going up for full. She was at her desk doing the same thing I've been doing and when she saw me in the door she simply said, "#$!!#$." I couldn't help but laugh. I'm still laughing, actually.

#$!!#$ sums it up perfectly, and if I continue dreaming about #$!!#$ I'll be editing for the rest of my life.

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