Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Lived in My Office on Memorial Day. Purple Blooms Mean That Much More

Second year in a row that the Asiatic purple irises bloom at exactly the right time. Yesterday, it was as dreary as dreary can be, so I hibernated in the vacant and quiet hallway of Canisius Hall. I caught up on a twenty or so recommendations, a book chapter, grant work, book orders, and other logistics. By the time I left, my brain was fried.

Actually, when I left I decided I would grill out because the sun was finally peaking through the crowds. When I opened the fridge and freezer, however, there was no meat, so I ended up toasting up a whole boatload of vegetables, which were delicious.

This effort, though, turned me over into exhaustion and a dead brain. I have a list of items I wanted to accomplish, but there's a point when I am no good to the work I'm trying to do. I simply gave in to sleep.

Glamis, though, was all play. I got her a new squeaky toy and, even after a walk, she seemed to be full of energy.

Today, it's back to work with back to back meetings in the afternoon, kidnapping me from the writing I need to get done. I'm seeing light after this Friday - time to get back to the projects that need attention (like my ankles that are extremely sore...I think my new New Balance sneakers are not the support I need while running).

Ah, but I will think about the blooms and be happy. Blooms and barbecues...tis the season for such glory.

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