Saturday, April 8, 2017

This Is What Happens When I Procrastinate From Grading

For a few years now, I've wondered how friends quickly made themselves into cartoon emojis that they quickly dashed into a text message or Tweet. I didn't realize it, but at some point I went online looking for a way to replicate such craziness, and when cleaning up my phone yesterday I found the App I downloaded and quickly got distracted making heads (like I was about to play Wii or something - I don't even own a Wii).

I know it is silly to be playing such games given the complex realities of an ever-changing globe,
but that is what I ended up doing in between assessing this or that product from my undergraduate and graduate courses. Yes, cartooning the world is a nice distraction for the end of the week.

Seriously, though, how cool is it that a free download can bring so much entertainment so quickly. Cynde, Casey, Abu, Lossine, Chitunga, and even Mom became fodder for distracting my brain in-between academic meandering and textual readings.

This is us. The world. The crazy reality that has become my life as a mid-life moron teaching courses and looking for a way to relax on a Friday night in Connecticut, while everyone else is in Syracuse (and dealing with snow - ugh).

It's pretty amazing that such play exists technologically, and for a short while, I was entertained. And now it is here to be captured for ever in the Crazy Crandall way that has become my life. 

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