Monday, October 30, 2017

And on the 10th Hour, Glamis The Wonder Dog Said, "Okay, I Guess I Have to Go Out."

She did her best to resist going outside yesterday. She whimpered by my side but wouldn't dare step foot in the downpour. At about 8 pm, however, she couldn't take it any more and insisted on going outside to do what dogs do there.

She came back in drenched.

Not a fun day for the canine world.

It was a productive day for the human world, however, especially those who needed a day on their rumps planning, grading, and doing what academics do.

I managed to get to the gym for an hour or so, and also folded laundry, but the majority of the day was spent being the nerd I've always been (and listening to Glamis squeak her toy ball until she pushed it under the couch, then she squeaked herself until I got it for her).

The winds and rain were something - can't complain. I still remember learning that wet falls mean better springs for blueberries. Bring on the rain.

And don't let it turn over to snow too soon. I've yet to kick on the heat and I don't want to any time soon.

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