Monday, April 24, 2017

The Problem with the Sun Is It Beckons Us Outdoors

Truth be told, I didn't make it outside until 1 pm, because I was inside writing after I had my coffee. Then I went outside to work on the yard, especially the lawn which has become infiltrated with crab grass. I am convinced that I bought a bag of crabgrass seed last year rather than regular grass seed, because it is abundant this year. I was so frustrated.

Ah, but I remembered that I found lupine earlier in the week when I go soil and mulch. I put her in the garden and now hope she'll take off like the purple ones I had planted at my home on Eastman in Cicero. That is one flowering plant I was never able to get to grow in Kentucky (and it was too expensive to keep trying).

I got a run in, too, but then I realized I needed to get back indoors to continue grading and to set up the week. My morning writing project wasn't completed as I hoped it would be and I'm feeling rather guilty. There's simply too much on the plate at the end of a semester, especially in the spring when every evening is taken celebrating this student or that faculty member (which is more important, anyway) (and it doesn't help that I'm on Faculty Salary Committee, which at this time of year become vomit-inducing, especially as games get played over and over again).

And today, I have training. The state has moved to a new accountability system for student teachers and we need to know as much as possible to help assist our students. In the end, it will be on them and as bureaucracies change, our support system needs to help where we can.

Nothing ever sits still (I hope, especially for the lupine seeds).

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